Can I Request To Work Remotely Due To Anxiety? (We Checked)

Anxiety can negatively impact an individual’s ability to work. Often, stressors in the workplace cause this feeling.

So, you may ask, can I request to work remotely due to anxiety?

The short answer is yes. You can request to work remotely due to anxiety.

However, make sure that you have enough ground to request this setup. Consider the nature of your job and the possibility of remote work.

Is It Possible To Work Remotely Due To Anxiety?

Is it possible to work remotely due to anxiety? Yes, it is. Especially if most of your stressors that cause anxiety can be traced back to factors within the workplace.

Employees’ mental health is of utmost importance because it allows them to focus on their tasks and be more productive. However, sometimes feelings of anxiety or anxiety disorders can interfere with their overall ability to work.

This is why some workers opt for a remote work setup, if possible. This option frees them from possible stressors that surround them at work.

However, note that a work-from-home setup, for the most part, isn’t the end-all, be-all solution for anxiety in the workplace for everyone. It doesn’t automatically warrant a stress-free work life.

Weigh your options and try to assess if, looking forward, this is the only viable option to help you be more productive at work and manage your anxiety.

How Can I Request A Remote Work Setup Due To Anxiety?

Before requesting to work remotely due to anxiety, always do your research first. Think of how your job works and then evaluate how it’ll fit in a remote work setup.

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How will this kind of setup help you with your anxiety? Can you ensure that this setup will help minimize these feelings and make you more productive?

These are some of the important questions your employer might ask you. Come prepared with clear answers.

If you’re comfortable talking about it with your employer, it’ll also help if you can explain how your anxiety affects your work.

In addition, it helps to plan ahead. Show employers that you’ve thought about this thoroughly and devised plans on how to make it work.

Lastly, recognize that there’s a chance that your employer won’t say yes. This is unfortunate, but it does happen.

If your current workplace puts you in a spot where you can no longer manage your anxiety, consider your other options. Anxiety disorders can be debilitating and can lead to depression; hence why, both employees and employers should prioritize mental health.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve ever asked yourself, can I request to work remotely due to anxiety? The simple answer is yes!

You’re free to ask your employer, given that the nature of your work allows this kind of work-from-home setup.

In addition, make sure you’ve done your part in researching and planning how this setup will work for you and your employer.

Note that there’s no guarantee that your request will be granted. However, keep in mind that companies should prioritize their workers’ well-being—including mental health.

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