How To Find Remote Tech Jobs (Useful Tips Included)

Because remote tech jobs offer flexible schedules and good pay, they’re getting more and more popular by the day. This increasing competition makes it tough, especially for beginners, to find remote tech jobs.

Don’t let that scare you, though. Some handy tips and tricks can help you navigate your job search.

Read on to learn what it takes to find remote tech jobs, where to find remote tech jobs, and how to attract potential employers.

5 Skills You Need To Find Remote Tech Jobs

Before you rush into the job search, you need to ask yourself whether you have what it takes to thrive in the field.

Here’s a list of skills you need to polish:

#1. Technical Knowledge

The first thing to know as you start a remote job is that you’ll be pretty much working on your own. Of course, this doesn’t mean you won’t get any assistance. You can still have some coaching, but not as frequently as in a physical office.

The exact skills needed will change drastically from one tech role to another. So, we can’t really list specific areas that are in demand.

For instance, if you’re looking for cybersecurity roles, it might be time to brush up on aspects like the IoT, blockchain, and AI. Meanwhile, wireframing and prototyping will come in handy if you’re looking to work in UX design.

#2. Time Management

In a remote job, you won’t necessarily get reminders to get tasks done. This might sound like a low-stress work environment, but you can’t let that lull you into a false sense of security. After all, you’ll still need to deliver projects on time.

That’s why time management is one of the key skills you’ll need. You can take advantage of project management tools out there, such as Trello or Slack.

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You’ll need all the help you can get to balance your social and professional lives!

#3. Virtual Communication

Staying on the same page isn’t always easy in a virtual workspace, and you’ll need to polish your virtual communication skills.

Keep in mind that working remotely means dealing with people of different roles, cultures, and time zones. So, you have to know how to communicate effectively via email, phone, or video conferencing tools.

#4. Coping With Change

With almost 90% of professional tech jobs being hybrid or remote, competition in the field is fierce.

This means that to stand out among the crowd, you need to adapt to the ever-evolving nature of the profession.

#5. Creative Problem Solving And Strategic Planning

Every tech job requires a certain amount of creativity. After all, a tech wizard who can’t think and plan creatively wouldn’t be able to work remotely without direct assistance.

So, brainstorming, mind mapping, lateral thinking, idea manipulation, and thorough research are your new best friends!

3 Sources For Remote Tech Jobs

Just like any other job, you can always rely on social media and referrals to land a position in tech. However, job boards are a bit more common in the field.

Although there are a lot of sources out there, three options stand out for us:

#1. Dice

Dice is a remote tech job board that allows you to create a free account and browse jobs by skill, company, category, or job title.

With 4.6 million members in the United States, Dice is one of the leading job boards for tech professionals. It also has a blog section that features articles about the most recent trends in the tech industry.

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#2. Landing.Jobs

Landing.Jobs is a board that serves the leading American and European companies in the industry. Plus, it allows you to join a global community of over 200,000 tech professionals to search for your dream role.

Interestingly, Landing.Jobs also facilitates relocation and takes care of visa issues in case you ever need to move.

#3. is dedicated to connecting top developers with companies of all sizes. It provides contract engagements and full-time hires. So, it can be a good fit for you, whether you’re looking for remote work or freelancing.

Just keep in mind that has a strong screening process. To get approved, you should pass a technical call with a senior staff member after you complete your profile.

3 Ways To Attract Potential Employers

Now that you know where to look for remote tech jobs, let’s see how you can stand out from the crowd with three nifty tips:

#1. Create An Attractive Profile

The catch with remote work is that employers can only get to know you through the information you provide on your profile — you won’t get a chance to charm your way face-to-face.

So, you need to pay extra attention to how you showcase your skills, knowledge, and attitude.

Make sure to use some job-specific terms throughout your profile to demonstrate your skills to employers. For instance, you can include the names of every coding language, application, or platform you know.

Additionally, you need to list any transferable skills that can make you a valuable addition to the team.

#2. Set A Beginner Portfolio

One hiccup that might come up along the way is that almost all jobs require some form of experience. Don’t let this discourage you, though. There’s still a way to show your knowledge and expertise.

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Simply create a beginner portfolio that includes mock projects related to your job. This shows potential employers that you can still do the job even if you have no formal experience.

For instance, if you’re into web design, create mock website ideas for different venues to show off your abilities. You may also redesign brand logos to demonstrate your skills and insights.

#3. Write A Resume And Cover Letter

Contrary to popular belief, you still need a resume and cover letter to get a remote job. However, customization is the key. So, when applying for a job, invest some time in getting to know the client or the company.

Include hints of the info you’ll come across in your cover letter. This way, you’ll let the employer know that you’re interested in that particular job rather than sending a generic message.

On the other hand, your resume should highlight the specific skills and abilities necessary for the role. Make sure you don’t miss any details that might be important for your employer.

Key Takeaways

To find remote tech jobs, you need certain skills, such as communication, time management, and technical knowledge.

However, the way you showcase these skills on your profiles on different tech job boards, such as or Dice, can make or break your job search. So, get working on some mock projects and follow all the updates in your chosen tech field!

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