How Can I Convince My Employer To Let Me Work Remotely?

The pandemic was pivotal to work-from-home arrangements. More and more people are opting for this setup because of its positive effects on employee productivity and overall well-being.

With all those benefits and more, you may ask: how can I convince my employer to let me work remotely?

3 Steps To Convince Your Employer To Let You Work Remotely

Give your employer a solid plan with strong reasons and benefits to let you work remotely.

Below are a few steps to help you convince your employer that this work-from-home setup is a viable option.

#1. Research And Plan Ahead

Once you’ve set a meeting to talk to your employer, don’t come empty-handed. Prepare by doing your research on remote work in your industry.

Does this setup work in the field you’re in? Will you be able to ensure that you can accomplish your tasks without taking the trip to the office? How will your employer measure your work hours in this setup?

These are some of the questions you may face. As practice, you can try to list down all of the other questions you think they might ask and then try to answer them.

#2. Emphasize The Benefits

Remote work can be beneficial to most employees because of the flexibility it offers them.

However, while these benefits to the employee are important, you should also highlight the benefits of remote work to the company.

What will your employer gain from this remote work setup? To find some answers to this question, consider why you want to work remotely.

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Is it to skip the commute? If yes, you can tell your employer that skipping the commute will let you start work in a happier mood.

Commuting can be taxing and physically draining. You’d get to the office tired before getting any work done!

Emphasize that this change will allow you to come to work with a more positive mindset that’ll boost your productivity. Companies, generally, should value what makes their employees productive.

#3. Use Existing Data

While it’s completely valid to appeal to your employer’s emotions and their human side, it’s still essential to back your plan with existing data.

Research the remote work statistics and use those numbers to drive your point. These statistics can help prove that the benefits of remote work are real.

Since most surveys supporting this setup are from a diverse list of workers or businesses themselves, it’s easier to claim that the same effects are possible in your current company.

These types of data help you build solid arguments—or counterarguments—to convince your employer to let you work remotely.

Final Thoughts

For a lot of employees around the world, remote work significantly boosts productivity.

So, if you think, how can I convince my employer to let me work remotely? Remember that providing them with a solid, well-thought-out plan is key.

The goal is to reassure them that working remotely will greatly benefit both the employer and the employee.

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