Can I Work A Remote Job Without A Work Permit? (We Checked)

Do you wonder if you can work a remote job without a work permit? Here’s everything you need to know about working remotely, work visas, work permits, and being a digital nomad.

Work Visa Vs. Work Permit

First things first, let’s clarify the difference between a work visa and a work permit.

Work Visa is a requirement for you to seek a job in person in the country.

On the other hand, Work Permit is a requirement to seek and take employment.

Working remotely doesn’t require a visa, but it may require a work permit.

Can I Work Remotely If I Don’t Have A Work Permit?

You can, but there are caveats. You have to settle on a worker classification first, and then the rest follows. The most important part is to file your taxes and complete the W-8BEN form.

Your options are either to become an employee or an independent contractor. The latter has a couple of advantages. Firstly, you don’t have to follow a company schedule, so you have more freedom over your working hours.

Not to mention, you have more freedom over where to work, not only when.

For the company, being an independent contractor spares them the need to follow stricter employee benefits and tax laws.

Can I Work Remotely If I Don’t Have A Visa?

You don’t need a visa to work remotely. As long as you stick to the tax laws that the country imposes, you’re safe and good to go.

What Is A Digital Nomad?

A digital nomad is a modern title that applies to people who move often. Typically, they’re employees or independent contractors for a company, but they don’t live in the same location where this company’s HQ is.

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How Can I Become A Digital Nomad?

Becoming a digital nomad is getting easier by the day. A lot of companies now have remote work contracts. As long as you agree on the setup from the get-go, it’s as easy as pie.

What Countries Have Digital Nomad Work Visas?

Some countries allow you to live the digital nomad life without issues. These include Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Bali, Costa Rica, Germany, Estonia, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Malta, Mexico, and more.

There are some basic conditions like owning a property, earning a minimum salary, and/or having a minimum amount in your bank account.

These countries have application forms for a nomad work visa and allow you to have an appointment for an interview at their consulate in your own country.

What Are Things To Keep In Mind When Working Remotely?

If you’re planning to take up a digital nomad life, make sure you have some basic understanding of the following:

  • The laws of the country you’re working for when it comes to remote work.

  • The taxation laws of the country you’re working for.

  • Whether or not you can rely on tourist visas if you’re traveling while working remotely.

  • Whether or not your employer will allow you to work remotely.

The Verdict

In a nutshell, it is possible to work remotely without having a work permit.

You just need to understand the rules and regulations of the country of your employer, and whether the employer himself would allow that or not.

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