Can I Get A Remote Job Without A Degree? (We Checked)

The flexibility of remote work is one of the biggest blessings available in this day and age. It’s not just where or when you work, but how you can land the job, too.

Unlike traditional jobs, working remotely is task-oriented.

In other words, if you have the technical knowledge, you don’t need anything else.

Can You Find Remote Work Without A Degree?

Yes. It’s not only that you can find remote work without a degree, but handling a well-paying job can also be feasible if you work remotely.

Nowadays, you can do high-skill work without having to be on-site. Requiring a lot of skills and technical background can make you plenty of money, so it’s a pretty good bargain.

What Are The Best High-Paying Remote Jobs Without A Degree?

If you want to make plenty of money working remotely without a degree, you have to be willing to invest some time in learning some technical skills.

So, what are your options?

PositionAverage Salary
Web Developer$82,453
Graphic Designer$47,089
Social Media Manager$51,910
Project Manager$84,976
Table Showing Remote Roles With Their Average Salary

#1. Web Developer

If you want to make big money while working at home without a degree, web development is an amazing opportunity for you.

You’ll need some solid learning, though. Besides that, you’ll have to learn a programming language, like JavaScript, Java, HTML, and CSS.

You could also use the knowledge of some frameworks like Angular and libraries like React.

You may need knowledge of Objective C and Scala for some jobs as well.

Once you have the basics on hand, it’s not too hard to find an entry-level job online, and from there, you can kickstart your career.

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#2. Graphic Designer

Graphic designing pays quite well, but it needs a lot of self-learning if you don’t have a degree.

You’ll have to understand the basics of graphic design, learn tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and then you can start your journey.

#3. Social Media Manager

Being a social media manager doesn’t require a lot of learning and skills like web development or graphic design.

However, it does take a lot of creativity and the ability to represent a brand distinctively. Social media managers are responsible for engaging with clients, comments, and creating a brand identity.

Moreover, they have to create posts and connect with other organizations for possible collaborations.

#4. Project Manager

Project management is a high-paying job in general, and you can make use of that by working on an online post.

Wherever there’s a client-based industry, you’ll find the need for a project manager.

You’ll have to guide employees virtually from the project’s conception to completion. Along the way, you’ll oversee that everyone is meeting their deadlines.

You can work without a degree, but you’ll have to be a certified project manager. Of course, you should look into the PMP certification.

It’s true that you’ll have to invest a handsome amount to learn and take the test.

Still, it’s an excellent investment when you compare what you’ll be able to make working as a project manager.

The Verdict

Remote working without a degree is a possible feat.

Some jobs like graphic designing and web development need some specialized skills before you can kickstart your career.

Others, like social media management, need wits and creativity. Browse around and see what fits you the most.

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