Is Remote Work Bad For You? (No, Here’s Why)

The pandemic forced companies and businesses to let their employees work in the comfort of their homes.

As such, people wonder: is remote work bad for you?

No, remote work isn’t bad for you. Through this setup, you’ll be able to work without the worry of being late for the office. Plus, it’s convenient because it saves time and money, considering that you don’t have to spend anything to get to work.

25% of professional jobs in America are already implementing the work-from-home setup. On top of that, Ladders predict that the number will increase over the years.

That said, here are other advantages of working from home:

#1. Cost-Effective

Remote work is a win-win situation for both the company and the employee. Working from home is highly cost-effective because you don’t have to spend money on office supplies, bills, and other facilities.

According to Global Workplace Analytics, an employer can save at least $11,000 annually if they’re working remotely. On the other hand, an employee can save up to $4,000.

#2. Improved Work/Life Balance

Employees who work remotely can spend more time with themselves and their loved ones. The setup gives them more time for leisure, hobbies, and doing mundane things like chores.

#3. Better Health And Wellbeing

Since employees don’t have to go to the office, they don’t have to endure the stress of commuting. Additionally, they don’t get to feel the tension in the workplace whenever it’s busy.

Moreover, they get enough time for additional sleep, exercise, and any activity to help brighten their day.

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#4. Increased Productivity

Remote work allows employees to set up their workplace in the comfort of their homes.

In addition, homes are much quieter compared to an office. As such, they allow the employees to focus more on their tasks, which means better productivity.

An optimistic mindset brought by remote work also helps them become productive. Since they experience reduced stress, they can sleep better, feel healthier, and have a more positive outlook on life.

When the employee is happy, it’s a domino effect because their mood affects the people around them. So, it can lead to even more harmonious relationships with their family, friends, and relatives. As a result, they become motivated to work.

#5. Timeliness

There are lots of factors that hinder an employee from being able to submit high-quality work on time, like being stuck in traffic and oversleeping.

So, remote work allows them to be able to do their tasks in time because they just have to get out of bed and they can already start working.

#6. Decreased Absenteeism

Even if an employee feels under the weather, they can still work and rest if they have to. As a result, they can still become productive and do their task, which is a win-win situation for them and their employer.

This also applies to employees taking unnecessary time off work because of an appointment or an event. Remote work enables them to structure their day around their work schedule, so they don’t have to file a leave.

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